Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Windy City Fencing Camp

Located at Windy City Fencing / Menomonee Club
Chicago, Illinois

Who should attend?
Advanced Epee Fencers who have the objective to train for US National Championship in Miami Beach

Ages: Y10, Y12, and Y14

Dates: June 25 to June 28, 2007

Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Place: Menomonee Drucker Center, 1535 N Dayton, Chicago, IL 60622

Coaches: Tsanko Hantov & Ina Harizanova

Ø Group Lessons along with private coaching sessions using video technology
Ø Excellent student/instructor ratio is maintained to provide individual coaching attention for each student
Ø Focusing on footwork, conditioning, drills to enhance fencing skills along with supervised bouting
Ø Variety of games to enhance physical skill
Ø Windy City Fencing Team class schedule remains in effect – Fencing Camp participants can attend these session at no extra charge
Ø Host families for out of town participants will be arranged

Coach’s Background:
Tsanko Hantov competed at the Olympic 2000 games in Modern Pentathlon. He has coached fencing for the past 7 years. He is currently the head fencing coach at Windy City Fencing Club. He graduated from the National Sports Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2000.

Ina Harizanova has coached for over 12 years, and worked with children, adults and veterans at the local, national and international level. Her fencers have won 13 medals at the Midwest Championships since 1999. Ina graduated from the National Sports Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1994. She went to DePaul University and earned a Master Degree in Educational Leadership in 2002.

Fees: $180 for Windy City Fencing Club Members: $220 for non-club members
Registration signup @ starting April 1, 2007
For more information contact Marion McCreedy –

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